Friday, December 14, 2007

Thing # 23 Week 9

Well I think this was an awesome training module and very necessary to go through the training in ordere to prepare for the new website in hte new year. I started out fully aware that these things existed but had never really had a chance to explore them up until now. Now that I have had a chance to explore I have discovered that it is not all that difficult once you get the hang of it and it does open up a whole new world of technology.
I am excited by the possibilities that there are out there and look forward to putting our new found training into use.

Thing #22 Week 9

Netlibrary is really great. I created an account and searched for music related ebooks. There are a number of really good titles there, I was pretty impressed. I like the fact that it has related topics links just there and also recent searches so you can trace your search history.
Had a bit of a frustrating time though because it kept timing out. Must have been the time of the day!!

Thing #21 week 9

Powerful book promotion made easy

i tried to have a look at this podcast but needed to install active X control but this wasn't possible...

Future of music this also required me to download and install a podcast aggregator.

I think youtube is actually more successful!

Posted the RSS feed onto my bloglines account to the Music Publishing Company La Dolce Vita Publishing Co., a division of La Dolce Vita Enterprises which has samples from their music library

Thing #20 Week 9

Had a wee play on excellent fun. Found one called the rock 'n' roll library about a geeky guy who is transformed by the resources he discovers in his library and becomes a rock star....!

Great source of enteraintment, but also could be useful in terms of training or whatever.

Thing#19 Week 8

Had a look ad Last.FM .com which was really cool. I am puzzled about the difference between Pandora and Last.FM and how Pandora is only available within the US.
Also had a look at Wow this is fantastic and a great alternative to the extra cost to musicians of producing CDs. it is also so flexible to enable the musician to use this technology for a miriad of purposes. Exciting possibilities!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Thing #18 week 8

Zoho is fantastic!! Is is really cool and has some amazing features. It is neat that you don't have to send a dodcument as an attachment.. I think that I will definitely have a go at using it for work.

Thing #17 week 7

Can't believe how simple and easy it is to edit on a wiki. it is so very straightforward.!! Great for resource sharing.

Thing #16 Week 7

Have just explored some Wikis. Am so impressed. I love the clear layout and they are so easy to navigate around. I think they would work well as a tool for training tutorials/pathfinders - either for the staff and/or our customers.
I like the fact that others can contribute.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

week 6 Thing#14

Had an explore of Technorati. Great tool for keeping tabs of all those blogs. Some of the discussion on the blogs that I searched under the tag music was a bit irrelevant and too random so I think it is probably all in hte way you search, the more specific the better.
My results for a search of "learning 2.0"were:
Blog posts : 2,236
Tags : 985
Blog Directory: 758

Week 6 Thing#15

It's an exciting and brave new world we are entering into! It is interesting to see such a change of focus and philosophy that has been pushed along by the development of new technology.
For the musician there is now a new platform to share music and ideas and to get their music heard to an incredibly broad audience. Bands are using it as a tool to build up an audience and to get themselves known before doing the whole band tour thing.
But on the flip side there is still the need for the hard copy of printed music, for orchestras etc While more and more is becoming available as downloads, there is a dreadful minefield with music copyright - one online publisher in Canada actually closed down from the net even though he wasn't in breach of the copyright law.
The other point about downloads is the "edition" of the music. This is very important as some editions of music are much more reputable and reliable than others. The is very little choice at present as far as different downloadable editions of the same work.
I did discover one music publisher who has a myspace site as opposed to a website and I thought that was cool.
So it will be interesting to see how all this web 2.0 pans out in terms of music. But I think the possibilities for reaching a wider music community through our website are very exciting and will be a great tool to promote our resources and expertise.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Thing #13 Week 6

Had a wee look around De-licious, signed up and put De-licious link buttons on my computer. Can see that it is a very handy tool to have at ones fingertips.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Week 5 Thing #12

In exploring Rollyo I was really excited about the facility to be able to search across selected websites. Great for searching for music across a variety of music publishers websites. However once I had pasted it into my blog it didn't work. Am not sure what I have done wrong. Very frustrating!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Week 5 Thing#11

Have had great fun on Librarything. A really good and useful resource. I added 5 titles to myy librarything account to show the diversity of my reading.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Merry Christmas - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more WEEK 5 THING#10 Image Generators.
I got this image from imagechef. It is a great tool and I like the way you can just send it to your blog and it's there like magic. Very versatile with heaps of images to choose from. Cool!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Week 4 Thing #8

RSS feeds - I had thought that when I had set up my RSS feeds that they would come streaming into my email account all by themselves for some reason! But no! I have to log into bloglines and check.....which is cool.
I think its a great resource though and one that could be utilised effectively for work. I like the joke of the day especially.
Thing #9 I have now added a new feed to my list - the Billboard one so will be able to keep up with the music gos.
added the NZ Herald RSS feed which is cool!

Here is the feed link to BillBoard

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Week 3 Thing #5

Have just signed up to flickr, it is fantastic with all those extra options for creating cards, calendars and all of that. Have posted up my photos from France!

Thing #6

Tried to get into mappr many times and it times out. hopeless

montage is fun
Flickr color pickr is a great resource

Thing #7

technology is meant to make our lives easier but in some respects it can be the cause of more problems!! however, having said that it does open up a whole new and exciting world of possibilities, especially in the area of music.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Week 2 Thing #4

What I have been doing this week:
This week I have been working on a script for a Christmas production! It's going to include drama, dance, music and multi media and will be loads of fun. I am really looking forward to getting the rehearsals under way.

I am finding that this web 2.0 technology is intuitive to a degree but it assumes very much that you understand what you are meant to do! Then there are the numerous usernames and passwords that one has to remember....... I now have a Blogspot one and a Bebo one and.....
It's got some pretty cool stuff though, like the design a t-shirt! and it's all very interactive. Can see how one would get hooked!

Has great instructions for learning more about can take a tour! I like that! Frustrating thing was that I could register. tried about 8 times and i gave up in frustration!
this is great and I now have two friends!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

My first Blog

Blogging is new to me, I am a bit behind the times! Hopefully I can get up to speed.
I am a music librarian and a musician as well. I am passionate about providing access to our music resources to the music community. I am interested to see how the web2.0 technology will impact on this and how the library can utilise this technology to best effect. I am hoping that we may be able to create a space on the library website to enable the music community to communicate amongst themselves and share their music skills creatively in a virtual environment.