Monday, October 8, 2007

Week 4 Thing #8

RSS feeds - I had thought that when I had set up my RSS feeds that they would come streaming into my email account all by themselves for some reason! But no! I have to log into bloglines and check.....which is cool.
I think its a great resource though and one that could be utilised effectively for work. I like the joke of the day especially.
Thing #9 I have now added a new feed to my list - the Billboard one so will be able to keep up with the music gos.
added the NZ Herald RSS feed which is cool!

Here is the feed link to BillBoard


Anonymous said...

Could you please post the link for the Billboards feed so I can credit you for number 9? Did you check out any of the RSS search tools from the discovery exercise?
Well done on setting up your bloglines account :)

worldofmusic said...

Tried feedster, simple and easy to use.
Hope I have posted the billboard link correctly