Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Week 6 Thing#15

It's an exciting and brave new world we are entering into! It is interesting to see such a change of focus and philosophy that has been pushed along by the development of new technology.
For the musician there is now a new platform to share music and ideas and to get their music heard to an incredibly broad audience. Bands are using it as a tool to build up an audience and to get themselves known before doing the whole band tour thing.
But on the flip side there is still the need for the hard copy of printed music, for orchestras etc While more and more is becoming available as downloads, there is a dreadful minefield with music copyright - one online publisher in Canada actually closed down from the net even though he wasn't in breach of the copyright law.
The other point about downloads is the "edition" of the music. This is very important as some editions of music are much more reputable and reliable than others. The is very little choice at present as far as different downloadable editions of the same work.
I did discover one music publisher who has a myspace site as opposed to a website and I thought that was cool.
So it will be interesting to see how all this web 2.0 pans out in terms of music. But I think the possibilities for reaching a wider music community through our website are very exciting and will be a great tool to promote our resources and expertise.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AGree that this is a big dilemma for musicians